Logging Time with BusyBusy

All HPE employees are required to log their time worked each day on the BusyBusy mobile app.

New Employees – First Mobile Sign-In

Upon confirmation of employment and submission of your paperwork into the office, you’ll receive an email to join BusyBusy. From your mobile device, follow the prompts within the invitation email to download the mobile app, then enter your email address or invitation code from the email. You’ll be prompted to create your profile with the same email and new password. Once your account has been created, you are ready to start logging your time.

All employees – track and submit Time

Your app is designed to work in online or offline mode. If you need to upload photos, be sure to complete this while in online mode.

Once logged in and app is opened, track your time for the current day:

  1. Touch the “Clock In” button.

  2. Choose your Project. Projects are organized by “PO number - Address | Project Type”. If your location doesn’t exist, please inform Angie and choose “HPE - Internal” for the time being.

  3. Choose your Cost Code. Most employees are Field Labor/Operator.

  4. Choose your Equipment (if operating).

  5. Description can be added at beginning of timer entry or at the end of your entry. Please include the following notes with EVERY DAILY ENTRY ON EVERY PROJECT:

    • Machine used (i.e. Kubota, 305, T770, etc.)

    • Start and end machine hours for the day (taking a photo of the machine dash works well for personal records)

    • Tasks completed

    • Any obstacles, accidents or damage encountered. Please also report any accidents or damage immediately to Jesse or Angie.

    • For qualifying mileage reimbursement: total sum of mileage for personal vehicle use and task performed while using personal vehicle, including project. MileIQ is a good app for this. (Note: IRS law requires that you maintain your own record of your mileage accounting in the event you are audited. We provide reimbursement, but do not maintain record-keeping for you.)

      • Here are a few examples of good notes taken for a work day:

        Example 1: “Septic install. Lay conduit/sgueegee & backfill. Sewer line/electrical splice box installed/tank exposed, sewer line repaired/floats set/lids sealed/groomed. 301 ex 379.5-383.3”

        Example 2: “Kubota: 1820.4 - 1825.0 Finish digging gas line trench Remove tree and stairs for access Expose gas and electric utilities Get a hold of xcel energy to repair broken electric line Track kubota to 277 alpine”

        Example 3: “Used the 305 to backfill behind the retaining wall. (Customer asked for a change in grade plan on the driveway that deviates from the plan.)305 hrs (2928.8-2934.4)”

  6. Click Done and timer will begin.

  7. When transitioning from one project to another (i.e. a customer’s project to HPE Internal), you can do this while your timer is still running. On your timer, select Switch. You will be prompted through steps 2 through 6 again.

  8. Select Go On Break when you are ready to take a lunch break. Select End Break when you are ready to finish your lunch break.

  9. Select Clock Out when your day is complete. Select yes or no for time accuracy. If selecting no, you will be prompted to detail the corrections needed. Select Submit.


Employees are required by state law to take a 30-minute unpaid meal break per 5-hour shift. Your time-keeping should include this break.

State law also allows for a 10-minute paid break during every 4-hour shift worked, but our company policy gives you up to 15 minutes of paid break. Your time logs do not need to show paid breaks.

Time tracking that is consistently not reported according to these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.

Time tracking that is reported consistently and accurately qualifies the employee for the Mileage Reimbursement benefit. This is evaluated every pay period. Correct time tracking also informs the employee’s opportunity for pay scale increases during their review period.